Passed in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibited discrimination against disabled individuals. The ADA set regulations for public areas, such as movie theaters, doctor’s offices, restaurants, parks, etc.
What Makes a Water Fountain ADA Compliant?
To be ADA compliant, a drinking fountain must meet certain requirements. There are specific regulations related for knee clearance, floor space in front of or beside the fountain, spout location and height, and location of the control.
Fountain Knee Clearance
To be ADA compliant, wall-mounted water fountains are required to have knee space between the floor or ground and bottom of the fountain of at least 27 inches. The space should be at least 30 inches wide and 17 to 19 inches deep. There can’t be any equipment or other obstacles in the foot space.
Clear Floor Space
With wall-mounted water fountains, there must be a minimum of a 48 inch by 30 inch floor space in front of the unit to allow a wheelchair to make a forward approach. If the water fountain is in an alcove, the alcove must be at least 30 inches wide with a 24 inches maximum depth. For free-standing or built in units without space under them, there must be clear floor space of at least 30 inches by 48 inches so that the person in the wheelchair can make a side, or parallel, approach.
Spout Height and Location
Water spouts should be located at the front of the water fountain, and the water should flow out parallel or close to parallel to the front of the fountain. It should be a maximum of 36 inches from the floor or ground. If the water fountain is primarily used by children, the maximum height is 30 inches. The water should flow at least 4 inches high so that a cup or glass can be inserted.
Fountain Controls
Water fountain controls must be mounted on the front or side near the front edge.
Most Dependable Fountains offers a wide variety of ADA compliant drinking fountains, including both wall mounted and freestanding outdoor fountains. Our ADA drinking fountains are handicap accessible and built to last.
ADA Compliant Outdoor Drinking Fountains ▼
- 440 SM
- 440 SMSS
- 440 SM & SMSS with Optional Pet Fountain
- 440 SMFA (Front Approach)
- 440 SMFA and SMSSFA with Optional Pet
Fountain - 493 SM
- 493 SMSS
- 440-18 SM
- 440-18 SMSS
- 493-18 SM
- 493-18 SMSS
- 840 SMSS-01 (Pea Gravel Install)
- 840 SMSS-02 (Floor Drain Install)
- 840 SMSS with Optional Pet Fountain
- 2440 SMSS
- 2440 SMSS with Optional Pet Fountain
- 2493 SMSS
- 2440 SMSS with Optional Bottle Filler
- 3700 SM
- 3800 SM
- 3900 SM
ADA Compliant Bottle Fillers ▼
- 10125 SM or SMSS
- 10125-18 SM or SMSS Chilled
- 10140 SM or SMSS
- 10140 SM or
SMSS with Optional Pet Fountain - 10145 SM or SMSS
- 10145-18 SM or SMAA Chilled
- 10145 SM or SMAA
with Optional Pet Fountain - 10145 SMFA or SMSSFA (Front
Approach) - 10150 SM or SMSS
- 10150-18 SM or SMSS Chilled
- 10845 SMSS-01 (Pea Gravel
Install) - 10845 SMSS-02 (Floor
Drain Install) - 10890 SM or SMSS
- 12440 SM
- 12440 SMSS
ADA Compliant Wall Mounted Bottle Fillers ▼
ADA Compliant Wall Mounted Drinking Fountains ▼
Sources – ADA Compliance, ADA National Network